

Thorough coverage of the various camping tips presented in each article.

Camping Food

Camping Gear Review

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  • Can Sawyer Mini be washed with tap water?
    NG because it contains chemicals ...Learn more
  • Which is easier to burn, cotton or polyester?
    cotton ...Learn more
  • How different are the weights of titanium and iron pegs?
    38% weight of iron peg ...Learn more

Camping Gear Knowledge

  • Oll VIEW
  • Difference between ointment and petrolatum?
    petrolatum prevents the moisture of the skin from evaporating. ointment retains moisture in the skin ...Learn more
  • Is the sweatshirt a jersey?
    The jersey is a knitting method, so the sweatshirt is a jersey ...Learn more
  • Is denim the same as cotton?
    the same. Twilled cotton is called denim ...Learn more
  • What is a synthetic fiber made to look like cotton?
    polyester ...Learn more
  • What is a synthetic fiber made to look like silk?
    Nylon ...Learn more
  • What is the catch copy fabric that is "thinner than spider threads and stronger than steel"?
    Nylon ...Learn more
  • What happens when I select a woolen fabric and remove the oil?
    Water repellency is reduced ...Learn more
  • What material is called death material for mountaineering?
    cotton ...Learn more
  • What are the disadvantages of cotton?
    Hard to dry ...Learn more
  • Are polyester and PET bottles the same material?
    Same raw material ...Learn more
  • What does copper use as a protective film?
    Rust ...Learn more
  • Why can you keep warm with aluminum?
    High heat shield effect ...Learn more
  • Why is aluminum cooker made of stainless steel?
    Don't get hot ...Learn more
  • Why is it delicious to grill meat with iron?
    Because heat is transferred evenly and the heat storage is high ...Learn more
  • What is the difference between IRON and STEEL, which means iron?
    IRON is pure iron, STEEL is fabricated steel ...Learn more
  • What about spilling oil on asphalt?
    Asphalt melts ...Learn more
  • What was Coleman originally making?
    Gasoline lantern ...Learn more
  • What is Cantera in English?
    Candle holder ...Learn more
  • What is the difference between a lantern and a lamp?
    Lantern is a lamp that you can carry in your hand ...Learn more
  • Is it against the law if I carry a saw with a blade length of 50 cm?
    Portable for good reason ...Learn more
  • Is the saw also a blade defined by the gun sword method?
    Applicable ...Learn more
  • What kind of clothes are correct for entering Downslav?
    Light clothes ...Learn more
  • What is the correct folding method for Down Shraf?
    Storing without tatami ...Learn more

Camping Skills

  • Oll VIEW
  • What happens if I apply vaseline to the crater?
    Better lasting fire ...Learn more
  • Does candy Doritos become a crater?
    Yes ...Learn more
  • Which trees are toxic?
    Oleander and Urushi ...Learn more
  • What is a first-class river?
    A river managed by the country (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) ...Learn more
  • What is KAKA-TOJO?
    Ignite the charcoal by putting the seeds down in summer and putting the seeds up in winter. ...Learn more
  • Does it taste good if you add charcoal and cook rice?
    It absorbs the umami component along with the odor of chlorine, which makes it refreshing. ...Learn more
  • Is charcoal bad for soil?
    It has the effect of improving soil, and if cooking oil adheres, it becomes a nutrient. ...Learn more
  • What do you do with a pilot fire when you light a raw tree?
    Make on top ...Learn more
  • Which tree is suitable for keeping warm?
    Conifer ...Learn more
  • What kind of tree has good fire and bad fire?
    Hardwood ...Learn more

Recommended page


Is it against the law if I carry a saw with a blade length of 50 cm?
Portable for good reason ...Learn more
What is the difference between a lantern and a lamp?
Lantern is a lamp that you can carry in your hand ...Learn more


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    Bushcraft 101の日本語翻訳本。洋書よりも写真が追加されて読みやすくなっている。

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